Financial Services & Controlling

Legal notice

Responsible for the content:

CONQUEST Investment Advisory AG
Olympiastraße 2c
85622 Feldkirchen

Tel.: +49-89-90019311

District Court München HRB 159015
VAT ID: DE244411147

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Philipp Prinz zu Salm-Salm
Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Conrad Mattern

Supervisory Authority:
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Lurgiallee 12
60439 Frankfurt

CONQUEST Investment Advisory AG holds a license from BaFin in accordance with §15 WpIG and is a member of the Association of Independent Asset Managers Germany e.V. (Verband unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter, VuV).

CONQUEST Investment Advisory AG is affiliated with the Compensation Scheme of Securities Trading Companies (Entschädigungseinrichtung der Wertpapierhandelsunternehmen, EdW).